I love that you have worked to make doula work less of a competition and more of a culture. This internship has given me the space to catapult myself into many birthing spaces. This incredibly vulnerable experience has felt so safe and supported—I always left each learning circle feeling so uplifted and alive with ideas and inspiration.
— Lindsay W, Intern Doula 2015
I completed my Labor Doula training with Jesse Remer in the spring of 2012. Following my training with Jesse I was hired on by Mother Tree Doula services as a labor doula and have had the privilege to work with Jesse and be a part of a second training session with her this year.

I wouldn’t hesitate one second in recommending Jesse for certification for Postpartum Doula training. Her years of experience as a birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, doula trainer and business owner are invaluable assets to be passed down to would-be doulas seeking out wisdom and training. Jesse welcomes each student into a warm and safe environment, modeling an open-minded approach to all aspects of childbirth and infant care. She allows a balance of time between informative discussion and power points with fun and creative hands-on exercises for students to practice various elements of the course material. She always facilitates space and openness for questions, guiding students to discover the appropriate answers to difficult questions, teaching each student how to find her own resources and use her innate intuition in the professional realm. Each student exits Jesse’s training with both useful tools to serve clients and a true sense of empowerment in her own skills.

Jesse offers real life wisdom and experience to all of her students, but beyond her amazing, warm, open, hand-on and effective teaching style, she exhibits a passion and compassion for doula work that inspires students to offer the same level of devotion and professionalism to their future clients as they enter into this work.
— Rosemary Gibson, Midwifery Student
Thank you SOO much. Your support really really helped. I wanted an epidural on arrival because I thought as an Anesthesia Med Student I should get the experience of having one but with your support and finding out I was 9 cm I didn’t need it.
— Abigail--Anaesthesia Medical Resident.
Jesse has many years of experience both as a doula herself and as a trainer for up and coming doulas. She cares deeply about woman centered maternity care and about upholding high professional standards in the doula profession. She is regarded as a leader in our area and has worked diligently to support new doulas, ongoing doula education, the birth of a hospital based doula program, new models of maternity care, and doula friendly legislation in Oregon.
— Denise Beaudoin,ICCE, CD(DONA) Supervisor, Legacy Pregnancy & Parenting Program Board Member, NACEF Board of Directors Childbirth Educator, Oregon Health and Science University Advisor & Trainer, PDX doulas
Phenomenal experience! Jesse Remer and MotherTree were initially recommended to me during my pregnancy by several labor & delivery nurses. As a physician, I was initially interested in a doula-supported birth experience based on studies which demonstrated the many positive benefits of a doula-supported labor. The more my husband and I spent time with Jesse, the more we realized that the benefits of her support both before, during, and after the birth were immeasurable!! I simply can’t say enough wonderful things about Jesse — she simply radiates warmth and caring and understanding, and has an amazing ability to help YOU sort out your wishes for your birth experience and then support those wishes. I cannot recommend her and MotherTree more highly.
— Marie Miles, Pediatrician & Mother Kaiser Permanente
Jesse’s role as the doula expert for the clinical design team of our Providence Pregnancy Care Package contributed to a brand new model of care in which doulas are integrated into a healthcare team of Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM’s), Registered Nurses (RNs) and Obstetricans (OB’s). She deftly navigated the initial challenges of this integration with a professional grace and compassion for the team at large. As a lead doula and trainer for the model’s spread we can credit her and her doula team with implementing the highest professional doula support and setting the bar for doulas in our community. It is to her credit that our cultural shift moved from doulas are “nice to have” to “must have” as part of our model of care.
— Lisa Chickadonz, DNP, CNM Clinical Lead, Pregnancy Care Package Providence Maternal Care Clinic 2705 E. Burnside, Ste. 114 Portland, OR 97214 503 215-6262 503 423-7044 cell Lisa.Chickadonz@providence.org
Jesse Remer has undeniably played a vital and positive role in my doula career. She personally worked with me through every step of my doula education and her guidance helped me create a solid foundation as I built my doula practice. On a larger scale, Jesse has been a key player in fostering the development of a thriving doula community in the Portland area. It is hard to find an established doula in our community who has not worked with and learned from Jesse. Without her dedication, Portland and Oregon would not be at the forefront of a movement to expand work and influence of doulas in new and exciting ways.
— Heather Lobitz, CD(DONA) Birth & Postpartum Doula, Placenta Encapsulator, DONA Oregon Representive, Portland Doula Love - Full Spectrum Doula Care (971) 226-4061 Cell (503) 766-3495 Portland Doula Love Office heather@portlanddoulalove.com
When I decided to become a professional doula the first person I met was Jesse Remer. I have been a lay doula for over thirty years and taken many trainings. Jesse has real gift of bridging the business aspects of our profession with the compassionate caring aspects that is unlike any trainer I know. Soon I realized what an amazing professional doula, mentor and inspiration Jesse was and is. She is a phenomenal trainer and has been instrumental in bringing the embodiment of doula support to the Great North West. She has worked diligently to positively expose to the world what the role of a doula is and improve communications with other professionals involved with birth work. It is a true honor to work and learn with Jesse. She’s my hero!
— --Trish Woodbury All For You Doula Services. PDX Doulas
I reached out to Dr. Leiva, who referred me to Jesse Remer. Jesse was able to match my patient with a student doula who volunteered her services for my patient – a big win for all.
If you didn’t know, all of the Providence/PMG family physicians who do obstetrics are begging to be included in the Maternity care package “experiment” [including doulas]. The model and interventions are evidence based, and we all believe that they are tremendously helpful for patient satisfaction and improved outcomes. I feel lucky to have found you as a resource. If you need or want to be overwhelmed by similar requests from my colleagues, just say the word; I know that there will be demand for doula services.
— --Jonathon L Vinson, MD